



Northern Michigan University
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2-Mercapto-1-methylimidazole CAS: 60-56-0 P/N: 30,150-7 632

Warning 2021-10-26

Hazard Statements

Precautionary Statements

Eye/face protection Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU). Safety glasses Skin protection This recommendation applies only to the product stated in the safety data sheet, supplied by us and for the designated use. When dissolving in or mixing with other substances and under conditions deviating from those stated in EN374 please Aldrich - 301507 Page 5 of 9 The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the US and Canada contact the supplier of CE-approved gloves (e.g. KCL GmbH, D-36124 Eichenzell, Internet: www.kcl.de). Splash contact Material: Nitrile rubber Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm Break through time: 480 min Material tested:KCL 741 Dermatril® L This recommendation applies only to the product stated in the safety data sheet, supplied by us and for the designated use. When dissolving in or mixing with other substances and under conditions deviating from those stated in EN374 please contact the supplier of CE-approved gloves (e.g. KCL GmbH, D-36124 Eichenzell, Internet: www.kcl.de). Full contact Material: Nitrile rubber Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm Break through time: 480 min Material tested:KCL 741 Dermatril® L Body Protection protective clothing Respiratory protection required when dusts are generated. Our recommendations on filtering respiratory protection are based on the following standards: DIN EN 143, DIN 14387 and other accompanying standards relating to the used respiratory protection system. Control of environmental exposure Do not let product enter drains.

Manufacturer information


Sigma-Aldrich, Inc.


314 771-5765


ST. LOUIS, MO 63103


Northern Michigan University
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